A lot of effort is put into providing the best products possible to its customers at Opalgen Solutions. If a client decides to cancel a service agreement within 2-5 days of the agreement date, they should complete the cancellation form provided on our website. In the event that you are dissatisfied with the development, you have the right to request a refund. The refund period for our services is 5-7 days if the client is not satisfied with them. We will deduct service tax and hourly rates before issuing the refund.

There will not be a refund if;

  • Consequently, we cannot reimburse already-performed services.
  • Administrative fees, installation fees, and taxes paid on services assessed by regulatory agencies will not be reimbursed.
  • A customer who violates the terms and conditions specified in our Terms & Conditions section is not eligible for a refund.
  • It is important to know that some promotionally discounted services provided on holidays like Christmas, New Year's, and Fourth of July cannot be canceled or refunded.

If you made a purchase using a credit card, the refund will be applied to that card. When making a purchase with a debit card or using net banking, you'll receive a refund in the same account.